Our Blog
Our Blog
An ongoing series of informational and challenging entries about Effective Leadership, Personal Growth, and other areas of Personal and Organizational Excellence.
An ongoing series of informational and challenging entries about Effective Leadership, Personal Growth, and other areas of Personal and Organizational Excellence.

Servant Leadership Demonstrated
Servant Leadership Demonstrated
December 24, 2020
Servant Leadership demonstrates a genuine commitment to serve others first. Some of these qualities include focused listening, valuing what others have to share, taking time to understand others' perspectives, encouraging your direct reports to be creative, and portraying a caring heart. (Dr. Wayne Moore)

Renewal and Transformation
Renewal and Transformation
May 14, 2020
Let's take advantage of this coronavirus time for Personal Renewal and Transformation, a time for re-framing and transforming by dropping undesirable habits and creating new habits to positively impact both yourself and your environment.

May 12, 2020
Integrity has no need of rules.
Albert Camus

May 4, 2020
Integrity is one of several paths. It distinguishes itself from the others because it is the right path and the only one on which you will never get lost.
M.H. McKee

Servant Leadership
Servant Leadership
April 9, 2020
The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality,
the last is to say “Thank you.”
In between the two,
the leader must become a servant.
Max De Pree
Servant Leadership is the absolute key to
Leadership Excellence.
You will never become a fine leader
until you become a fine servant
Ellie Lofaro

Servant Leadership
Servant Leadership
March 30, 2020
Servant Leadership demonstrates a genuine commitment to serve others first. Some of these qualities include focused listening, valuing what others have to share, taking time to understand others' perspectives, encouraging your direct reports to be creative, providing feed-forward rather than feedback, and portraying a caring heart.

Poor Leaders Bully Team Members
Poor Leaders Bully Team Members
January 1, 2020
Poor leaders can’t help but use the “I” word and the “My Team” phrase when addressing accomplishments, and the “You” word when placing blame. Regrettably, poor leaders also demonstrate a vindictive spirit to address their own insecurities.
In 2020, let’s also focus on the victims of poor leaders so we can empower them to reduce their stress levels until positive change occurs.

A Humble Leader Demonstrates Valuable Strengths. A Non-Humble Leader Often Demonstrates the Following:
A Humble Leader Demonstrates Valuable Strengths. A Non-Humble Leader Often Demonstrates the Following:
October 30, 2019
Neglects to be totally honest.
Opposes others with great ideas.
Narcissistic personality.
Has a big ego to protect.
Undermines the impact of a high performer.
Makes others discouraged.
Belittles rather than encourages.
Little or no empathy shown.
Envies the natural gifts of team members.

One of the mistakes leaders need to avoid:
One of the mistakes leaders need to avoid:
October 30, 2019
One of the mistakes leaders need to avoid is to misjudge a team member and take inappropriate action based on that misjudgment. This in turn may be devastating and irreversible for the team member who has virtually no opportunity to plead his or her case.
Leaders need to dig deeper into learning and understanding the full situation from the team member’s perspective on the issue. The leader’s goal should be to support and coach a team member rather than take devious and harmful action that impacts a team member.

As a Leader, what Legacy will you leave?
As a Leader, what Legacy will you leave?
August 23, 2019
Listened to others intentionally - or - was always thinking about how to respond?
Encouraged your team members - or - criticized them?
Grew and led a culture of integrity - or - created a culture of distrust?
Acknowledged and cheered team members’ successes - or - downplayed their accomplishments?
Connected well with all leadership team members and others - or - was always distant and closed?
Yielded cheerfully to others’ expertise - or - shot them down even if only in subtle ways?
How you work with others today is on track to become your Legacy tomorrow.

Being a Role Model for Integrity
Being a Role Model for Integrity
August 16, 2019
Think back to when you were around four years old and consider all those individuals throughout your life who helped to mold you into who you are today. Maybe a father, a mother, your favorite teacher, a stranger, and the list goes on and on. Now, we have opportunities to pay back by doing the same.
Let's touch someone's life today and every day by helping them mold integrity into their own lives.

Becoming a Virtuoso Leader
Becoming a Virtuoso Leader
August 7, 2019
You can reshape your character. You can strengthen your character habits and, by so doing, improve your leadership skills and results.
Fred Kiel, from his book titled, “Return On Character: The Real Reason Leaders and Their Companies Win.”

The Characteristics of Connection
The Characteristics of Connection
July 31, 2019
Any message you try to convey must contain a piece of you. You can’t just deliver words. You can’t merely convey information. You need to be more than just a messenger. You must be the message you want to deliver. Otherwise, you won’t have credibility and you won’t connect.
John C. Maxwell, from his book titled, “Everyone Communicates Few Connect.”

Avoid Leadership Bias
Avoid Leadership Bias
July 13, 2019

Ongoing Personal Growth
Ongoing Personal Growth
June 17, 2019

Integrity in Leadership Excellence
Integrity in Leadership Excellence
June 6, 2019
- Interested in the success of others
- Never uses others for personal gain
- Trusted to be honest and fair
- Ethical in all undertakings
- Gives praise to others for their great qualities
- Responds to criticism without anger, negativity, vindictiveness
- Inspires others to be transparent without them being fearful
- Truthfulness is always the standard
- Yields to others’ expertise with respect and encouragement

Leadership Excellence
Leadership Excellence
June 3, 2019
You demonstrate Leadership Excellence when you redirect employees to their immediate supervisor should they come to you with a concern, complaint, or issue. Your judgement will determine whether you need to follow-up with the supervisor or not. However, demonstrating transparency throughout such processes will ensure Integrity and Trust is maintained for all parties at all levels.

Leadership Excellence
Leadership Excellence
May 25, 2019
As a leader, you may be captive to a rigid schedule with numerous meetings. However, Leadership Excellence is when you visit one-on-one with your leadership team members to learn and to provide timely, as-needed, coaching and support. This, along with your demonstrated integrity and trust, convey a terrific servant leadership model that positively impacts your leadership team as well as the organization’s culture.
Be sure to be there for your leadership team members and not simply rely on their professional development trainings to do the job.

Organizational Excellence
Organizational Excellence
May 22, 2019

Our First Blog Entry - Effective Leaders
Our First Blog Entry - Effective Leaders
May 13, 2019
Effective Leaders don't tell others what to do. They learn from others what they're capable of doing and support them in their quest for excellence.